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Living Together, Separately in the New South Africa: The Case of Integrated Housing in Mohale City and Lehae Project

Over the past few years, there had been demands from applicants for the Department of Human Settlements (Housing) to make RDP houses available to all race groups. This had seen city officials acquiesce, respond with a structured consultative approach in the case of Mogale City, and reluctant agreement in the case of Lehae. The purpose of the project was to enable the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation to critically assess interpretations of non-racialism, through interviews with selected public sector officials, and through tracing the process of housing allocations. It was to get an initial sense of how government officials deal with everyday issues such as delivery of services to different constituencies in South Africa. In the two cases looked at in this pilot research project, there was no unified approach in how public officials dealt with housing applications from individuals who would have been racially classified under apartheid.