The OIS Honours Programme is intended for students interested in basic theoretical debates on institutions. The programme focuses on foundational texts as well as the elements of how to do research and write an essay.
The Honours Programme is made up of one theory core course—Basic Concepts in Organisational and Institutional Studies, one 10.000 words Research Essay Course—as well as electives. All students must complete 122 credits, comprising of the course in Basic Concepts in Organisational and Institutional Studies (23 credits), the Research Essay (30 credit
points) and 3 electives for a total of 69 credits.
SOSS4052A Basic Concepts in Organisational and Institutional Studies
SOCL4014A Economic Sociology: Institutional, Capitalism and Markets
HIST4013A The Making of Urban South Africa
HIST4001A Capitalism and the South African countryside
INTR4044A The International Political Economy of Development
SOCL4016A Global Institutions and Economic Restructuring
POLS4033A The State in Africa: Democratisation and Crisis
POLS4042A Politics of Public Policy
ECON4052A Economic Change and Comparative Development
ECON4053A Trade and Finance in Economic Development
SOCL4040A/7043A Sociology of Land and Agrarian Reform in Southern Africa
ARPL4024A Urban Politics and Governance
SOSS4034A Research Essay