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PARI, in conjuction with FES_South Africa, hosts a workshop from 15-16 October 2018 at the Hilton Hotel Nairobi on Democracy, State-building and Taxation: The role of fiscal activism in sub-Saharan Africa.

The two-day programme unpacks the role of fiscal activism on the continent and to understand how it positions itself in the current context. Unpacking further the umbrella of fiscal state-society relations and the role of civil society organisations will mean opening a discussion on what the democratic potential of fiscal activism and tax awareness is (their understanding of inclusivity, fairness, contribution, citizenship).

Mapping out the different ways in which taxation is being discussed by civil society organisations in the region will lead to analysing the contributions and limitations of the current initiatives on tax justice and tax awareness/education. Furthermore, the aim of the roundtable is to elaborate and to discuss the relationships of the networks selected with organisations that might partner with bigger networks, but that are difficult to reach via desktop research. The roundtable will convene delegates from the various regions of the continent and reveal the regional differences in sub-Saharan Africa.

The room is multilingual, with participants speaking the major languages present on the continent.

Chikombo Sheba, NCA-Youth Network, Zambia

Thialy Faye, Forum civil section senegalaise de Transparency International, Senegal

Yannick Lokaya Bokasola, Initiative Locale pour le Développement Intégré, DRC

Mustapha Ndajiwo, African Centre for Tax and Governance (ACTG), Nigeria

Stella Agara, Emerging Leaders Foundation, Kenya

Daniel Oberko, Public Services International, Ghana

Nathalié Dembasuka, KIN 24 Television, RDC

Aboobakar Covela, ActionAid, Mozambique

Jean Mballa Mballa, CRADEC, Cameroon

Nelly Busingye, Tax Justice Activist, Uganda