Hewatt, G.; Lee, T.; Nyakaza, N.; Olver, C.; Tyeko, B. 1984. An exploratory study of overcrowding and health issues at Old Crossroads Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town http://www.opensaldru.uct.ac.za/handle/11090/284
Disler, P.; Olver, C. 1984. Some diseases associated with poverty. Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town http://www.opensaldru.uct.ac.za/handle/11090/252
Olver, C.G. 1984. Poverty, health and health care in South Africa Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town http://www.opensaldru.uct.ac.za/bitstream/handle/11090/358/1984_olver_ccp166.pdf?sequence=1
Contributing author and coordinator of technical team. 1998. The White Paper on Local Government. Department of Cooperative Governance. 9 March 1998
Crispian Olver. 1998. Metropolitan government for the 21st century: Anticipated changes need maximum flexibility. Development Southern Africa, Volume 15, 1998 – Issue 2. Pages: 289-291
Olver, C. 1998. Mapping the final phase of the local government transition. In IDASA July/August 1998 S. 1, 12.
Olver, Crispian. The Road to Johannesburg: Setting the Agenda for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Address to the Woodrow Wilson Centre, Environmental Change and Security Program, 3rd December 2001. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/the-road-to-johannesburg-setting-the-agenda-for-the-world-summit-sustainable-development
Crispian Olver. 2011. Rio + 20 – just another UN Summit, or can we really advance the environmental agenda? Published in Focus, Journal of the Helen Suzman Foundation, Issue no. 63 November 2011 http://hsf.org.za/resource-centre/focus/focus-63/Focus63Nov2011.pdf
Ms Nikki Schaay, Prof David Sanders Ms Vanessa Kruger Technical Lead: Dr. Crispian Olver. 2011. Overview of Health Sector Reforms In South Africa Final report December 2011 DFID Human Development Resource Centre https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/57a08abc40f0b64974000740/overview_of_health_sector_reforms_in_south_africa.pdf
Crispian Olver. 2011. Cities are leading the way in climate actions, Business Day, 08 December 2011, http://www.bdlive.co.za/articles/2011/12/08/crispian-olver-cop-17-cities-are-leading-the-way-in-climate-actions
Crispian Olver. 2011. Gap in global climate finance will be a disaster, Business Day, 02 December 2011, http://www.bdlive.co.za/articles/2011/12/02/crispian-olver-cop-17-gap-in-global-climate-finance-will-be-a-disaster
Olver, C. (Chapter drafter). 2011. Chapter 5: – Ensuring environmental sustainability and equitable transition to a low- carbon economy in National Development Plan. The National Planning Commission. 2011. http://www.nationalplanningcommission.org.za/Pages/NDP.aspx
Crispian Olver. 2012. Climate change carbon market needs efficient global rules, Mail and Guardian, 14 September 2012, http://mg.co.za/article/2012-09-14-00-climate-change-carbon-market-needs-efficient-global-rules
Crispian Olver. 2012. Africa at cutting edge in carbon markets, Business Day, 07 May 2012, http://www.bdlive.co.za/articles/2012/05/07/crispian-olver-africa-at-cutting-edge-in-carbon-markets
Crispian Olver. 2012. Cloud over carbon trading, Mail and Guardian, 20 March 2012, http://mg.co.za/article/2012-03-20-cloud-over-carbon-trading
Mischa Classen, Crispian Olver, Michael Gillenwater, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Perumal Arumugam, Ernesta Swanepoel, Jutta, Rothe, Margaret Lo, Andrew Gilder, Vanessa Cassano . 2012. CDM Policy Dialogue Research Programme Research Area: Governance Final Edited Report, UNFCCC. October 1, 2012. http://www.cdmpolicydialogue.org/research/1030_governance.pdf
Olver, C. The Ring of Fire – A Diagnostic Report on Service Delivery Protests in Informal Settlements in Gauteng. Unpublished paper prepared for Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA) January 2013
Olver, C. (Chapter drafter) Chapter 6 – Sustainable Development in Twenty Year Review South Africa 1994 – 2014 The Presidency, South Africa. March 2014 http://www.dpme.gov.za/news/Documents/20%20Year%20Review.pdf
Crispian Olver, Roland Schulze, Matthew Gaylard, Jesse Harber, Derick Young. Climate Change Implications for Human Settlements Presentation at LTAS Workshop January, 2014. SANBI https://www.sanbi.org/sites/default/files/documents/documents/ltas22-24-jan-workshop-day-2linkdhuman-settlements.pdf
Co-author and Deputy Chair of Panel. 2015. Review of South African Tourism Report of the Expert Panel to Minister Hanekom, June 2015. SA Tourism. http://www.southafrica.net/uploads/files/Tenders/SA_Tourism_Ministerial_Review_Report_-_June_2015.pdf
Crispian Olver. 2016. South African National Parks – a case study. Unpublished paper prepared for South-North Institute for Sustainable Development. April 2016.
State Capture at a Local Level A Case Study of Nelson Mandela Bay Crispian Olver November 2016 https://pari.org.za/wp-content/uploads/Crispian-Olver_State-Capture-at-a-Local-Level-Case-of-NMB_Working-Paper_Nov-16.pdf
Olver, C. (2017) How to Steal a City. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers.