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Noma Pakade

Research Associate

Noma Pakade

Nomancotsho Pakade holds an MA in Research Psychology from Wits.  A graduate from UJ in Health Psychology (2005-2007) and Honours in Psychology (2008). Her work experiences have been involved in advocacy and documentation work in NGOs and research posts, with a focus on sexual rights, gender work, education, and health.


Chilenga-Butao, T. and N. Pakade (2020) ‘Exploring Institutional Coordination of the Return to Schools’. Education Programme Working paper 1. Johannesburg: Public Affairs Research Institute.

Pakade, N. & T. Chilenga-Butao (2020) ‘Distrust, Accountability and Capacity in South Africa’s Fragmented Education System’, in M. Ehren and J. Baxter (eds) Trust, Accountability and Capacity in Education Reform: Global Perspectives in Comparative Education, pp. xxx. Abingdon: Routledge.

Pakade, N. (2019) ‘The Eastern Cape Schools Rationalisation Project: Case study of a GTAC intervention’. A PARI and GTAC report. Johannesburg: Government Technical Advisory Committee.

Phadi, M., & N. Pakade (2016) ‘The Native Informant Speaks Back to the Offer of Friendship in White Academia’ in Ties the Bind: Race & the Politics of Friendship in South Africa, (eds) Wash, S., & Soske, J. Wits University Press.

Pakade, N. (2013) ‘What’s in a Name? Exploring the Sexual Identity of Black Women- Loving-Women in Soweto’ Agenda: 27(2)