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This community announcement aims to inform households about why affordable basic energy allocations have not been delivered as promised, and what they can do about it. It is available in five major South African languages, based on a community brief – the research behind which comes from: Broken Promises: Electricity Access for low-income households.

Produced by: Showcast Media

Voice Artists: Mbongiseni Buthelezi, Mamohau Seseane, Hlumelo Maqubela, Sechaba Gqeba

WHAT HAS GONE WRONG? Why has the promise of affordable, safe and clean energy for all South Africans not been delivered?
It is important that all of us make sure that our municipalities allocate free basic electricity and all free basic services. We should ask our municipalities how many households they get money for in the national budget, and how many households actually get the free services. If there is a big difference, they must explain why. We must insist that our municipalities consult with us before they decide how many households will get the free services, and how many will not.

YINI ENGENZEKANGA KAHLE? Kungani isethembiso sogesi ongabizi, ophephile kanye nohlanzekile singakahlinzekwa kubo bonke abantu baseNingizimu Afrika?
Kubalulekile ukuthi sonke siqinisekise ukuthi omasipala bayasixhasa ngogesi wamahhala kanye nazo zonke ezinye izinkonzo zamahhala. Kumelwe sibuze omasipala bethu ukuthi mingakhi imindeni ethola imali olwabiweni lwezimali lwesizwe, nokuthi mingakhi ethola izinkonzo zamahhala. Uma kunomehluko omkhulu, kumelwe bachaze ukuthi kungani. Kumelwe siphikelele ukuthi omasipala bethu baxhumana nathi ngaphandle kokukhetha ukuthi mingakhi imindeni okumelwe ithole izinkonzo zamahhala, nokuthi mingakhi engeke izithole.

Hoekom is die belofte van bekostigbare, veilige en skoon energie vir alle Suid-Afrikaners nie nagekom nie?
Dit is belangrik dat almal van ons seker maak dat ons munisipaliteite gratis basiese elektrisiteit en alle gratis basiese dienste toewys. Ons moet ons munisipaliteite vra vir hoeveel huishoudings hulle geld van die nasionale begroting kry, en hoeveel huishoudings wel die gratis dienste kry. Indien daar ‘n groot verskil is, moet hulle verduidelik hoekom. Ons moet daarop aandring dat ons munisipaliteite ons raadpleeg voordat hulle besluit hoeveel huishoudings die gratis dienste kan kry en hoeveel nie.

KONAKELE PHI? Kutheni singekafezekiswa isithembiso samandla afikelelekayo, akhuselekileyo nacocekileyo kubantu boMzantsi Afrika bebonke?
Kubalulekile ukuba sonke siqinisekise ukuba oomasipala bethu balungiselele umbane wasimahla nazo zonke iinkonzo zasimahla ezisisiseko. Simele sibuze oomasipala bethu ukuba mangaphi amakhaya abawacelela imali kwibhajethi yesizwe, yaye mangaphi eneneni amakhaya azifumanayo iinkonzo zasimahla. Ukuba kukho umahluko omkhulu, bamele bachaze isizathu. Simele sinyanzelise ukuba oomasipala bethu bagqithe kuthi ngaphambi kokuba bagqibe ukuba mangaphi amakhaya aza kufumana iinkonzo zasimahla, yaye mangaphi angazi kuzifumana.

Hobaneng ha tshepiso ya eneji e kgonehang, e bolokehileng le e hlwekileng bakeng sa maAfrika Borwa kaofela e so ka e ba teng?
Ho bohlokwa hore bohle re netefatse hore bomasepala ba bo rona ba aba motlakase wa mahala le ditshebeletso tsa mantlha kaofela tsa mahala. Re lokela ho botsa bomasepala ba rona hore ke malapa a makae ao ba fumanang tjhelete ya ona ditekanyetsong tsa naha, le hore ke malapa a makae ao hantlentle a fumanang ditshebeletso tsa mahala. Haeba ho na le phapang e kgolo, ba lokela ho hlalosa hore na hobaneng. Re lokela ho hatella hore bomasepala ba rona ba rerisane le rona pele ba etsa qeto ya hore ke malapa a makae a tla fumana ditshebeletso tsa mahala, le hore ke a makae a sa tlo di fumana.