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Please join us for a discussion of the ‘water crisis in Johannesburg’. The discussion will focus on the history and context of the crisis, as well as the role of academics in mitigating it. The meeting will take the form of a facilitated discussion, opened with a presentation from Mike Muller.

Mike Muller is a Visiting Adjunct Professor at the Wits School of Governance. He is a registered professional engineer in South Africa and UK and a fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering. As DG of Water and Forestry (1997/ 2005), he led the development and implementation of water services legislation and policy as well as major investment projects in the Vaal River System.

In government and through his role as a National Planning Commissioner (2010-2015) and elsewhere, Mike has also contributed to efforts to regulate and improve the service delivery performance of local government. His academic papers can be accessed through Google Scholar and similar sites.

His presentation will focus on how a better understanding of the actors and interests in the systems on which Johannesburg depends for its water security could contribute to making the city and province more resilient to current pressures and future trends and shocks.

When: Wednesday, 7 August 2024 at 2pm
Where: Anthropology Museum, Robert Sobukwe Block