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Deliberation and feedback on the priority issues from the Zondo Commission that civil society needs to watch.

More than two years ago, the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture (Zondo Commission) concluded its work. In October 2022, the President submitted his response to the Zondo Commission to the South African Parliament and a month later, the National Assembly adopted an implementation plan to respond to the State Capture Report.

It is vital that the Zondo Commission remains a platform for accountability: the work of the Commission provided strong evidence of state capture and detailed insight into how state capture was organised and facilitated. The Commission’s report contained recommendations for holding state-capture perpetrators accountable, as well as broader recommendations on how to reform state institutions to prevent state capture from recurring.

In September 2022, PARI and CASAC hosted a two-day conference to assess the Commission’s findings and recommendations, and in 2023, a follow-up conference examinedthe Executive,  Parliament and the corporate sector’s responses to the Commission’s findings. The 2023 conference report can be found here. Attended primarily by civil society representatives, and including participants from academia, government and media, theconference generated lively debate and some strong recommendations to support the fight against state capture. This year, we propose a short, focused discussion on action.

Where are we now? What should the Government of National Unity and the 7th Parliament do to ensure there is progress on addressing state capture by public and private sector actors?

15 November 2024

9am to 1pm

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Concept Note

More information about the programme and speakers will follow shortly.