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Call for applications: Social Justice Assembly

After years of consultation and planning, representatives from across the social justice sector will gather on 26 & 27 January 2023 in Pretoria, South Africa, for the inaugural Social Justice Assembly (SJA). The SJA will unpack the findings of the Social Justice Sector Review Report, published in November 2020, and will seek to build sectoral cohesion and better coordination in response to the crises affecting people living in South Africa.

The SJA will bring together over 250 delegates from community-based organisations, social movements, non-governmental organisations, international non-governmental organisations, academics and donors into one space to discuss challenges facing the country and the world, the state of the sector currently and how best civil society can coordinate its efforts to bring about lasting and consequential change.

Apply here

The two-day event will include wide-ranging discussions on the history of the sector, its impact, cultures of accountability and governance, resource allocation and power dynamics within the sector.

The coordinating committee consists of eight members who were approached by the Reference Group which informed the Social Justice Sector Review Report to form the Assembly Coordinating Committee, they include:

  1. AFESIS – Nontando Ngamlana

  2. – Koketso Moeti

  3. Cape Flats Movements – Caroline Peters 

  4. JASS – Phumi Mtetwa

  5. MACUA/WAMUA – Gilbert Moela

  6. PARI – Mbongiseni Buthelezi

  7. SERI – Nomzamo Zondo

The SJA organisers want to create an egalitarian space where all voices are equally heard and as such have encouraged participants to help shape the agenda through programme proposals and speaker suggestions.

For years we have fought for access to constitutional rights and against injustices without lasting impact however, changing that would mean putting our heads together. The SJA will help coordinate efforts made by civil society in order to bring about lasting and meaningful change to our respective constituents.

To be one of the 250 participants from organisations across South Africa click here to apply.

For further information on how to participate in the SJA event, please read our FAQ page here.

For enquiries please contact +27 11 356 5860 or at