PARI’s 22-24 October #AfterCapture conference hosted international and local speakers in 17 panels over the three days. The rigorous programme featured papers presented by the speakers on the many and diverse aspects of state capture, what led to it, how it played out and what needs to happen after that.
Topics included areas like political parties, traditonal leadership, state legitimacy, the media, state-owned companies, the private sector and much more.
“State Capture and its Aftermath: Building responsiveness through state reform”, as the conference was titled, precipitated high-quality research from the participants, and included a day of roundtables with civil society organisations looking at topics like whistleblowing, state security, and how state capture affects grant beneficiaries.
On 24 October, PARI’s director Dr Mbongiseni Buthelezi, along with the two speakers who had presented on the panel entitled “State capture in comparative perspective” – Dr Joe Abah and Mr. John Githongo, from Nigeria and Kenya respectively – spoke on Radio 702 to Karima Brown about the conference and their perspectives on state capture in Africa.