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The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy (Geneva Graduate Institute) is running a podcast series entitled Who is voting in 2024?

This episode on South Africa looks at the South African landscape and grapples with the various factors that make this landscape uniquely challenging; from land restitution and municipal chaos to the idiosyncracies of the ANC. It was released on 23 May 2024, less than a week shy of our national elections in the 30th year of South African democracy. The episode features PARI’s Executive Director Mbongiseni Buthelezi and Matias Lopez, a post-doc politics researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute who also spent a month visiting PARI in 2023.

This podcast is not just about who we are voting for – it’s about the act of voting itself, and how it serves, increasingly, as just one expression of many expressions of our collective “voice” in democracy. “Who is Voting in 2024?” takes an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, offering listeners deep dives into the stakes of upcoming elections in a selection of countries and in a style reminiscent of Albert Hirschman’s interdisciplinary insights on voice and democracy. “Who is Voting in 2024?” is a podcast series hosted by AHCD researchers Laura Bullon-Cassis and Yanina Welp.