Congratulations to OIS students Musa Sithole and Jabu Hlatshwayo who have been awarded fellowships in the “Institutional transformations for sustainable urban mobilities in urban Africa” project, led by Dr Njogu Morgan at the Wits History Workshop.
The project explores changes in urban mobility governance in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Kampala, Uganda. In both cities, steps have been taken to support the mobility practices of walking and cycling. This is a novel development which goes against the general tide in patterns of urban mobility policies. This raises interesting questions on the dynamics of change. Assuming a long term perspective in inquiry, the aim of the project is to understand:
i) why and how the formal rules, norms, expectations and beliefs (institutions) about urban mobility guiding the activities of state and non-state actors have changed;
ii) the distribution of these institutions among urban mobility actors in Addis Ababa and Kampala;
iii) how the contexts themselves account for changes.
The project is interdisciplinary and the students will undertake their Honours research in this project, under the supervision of Dr Njogu Morgan.

Musa Sithole